Applications FAQ

If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using our Bank Accounts

Parents are expected to dress their children’s appropriately in neet and clean school uniform and must oberve the school uniform code of conduct on daily bases. The school uniform is according to the weather and season appropriat.

All the parents are expected to pay the school fee/dues of their child according to the given date/schedule in time in most respecting and responsible mannar.

Yes, call us or email us to get any clarification

The exchange of information between the parents and school is most important in the form of parents – teacher conference after an appropriate time period like arround 4 weeks. A regular contact of parents with the teacher enhances the student learning and development and most importantly parents and teacher work togather in complete understanding of the true student abilities and capablities.

After entry test result will be announced on website as well as informed at home

All the parents are expected and required to abide by the school morning arrival and afternoon departure schedule set by the school according to the weather. They are required by the undersigned parents code of conduct at the time of the admission to observe and follow the entire school/administrative rules and procedures especially in relation to their children’s school attendance.

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Secondary School’s proud tradition of athletics is reflected in the beauty and function of its campus facilities, the Haraldur Athletic Complex and Hopkins Gymnasium.